Thursday, January 2, 2014

Lessons in what you control and what you do not control. -I think they call this "life".

What do you do when you are expecting something and then it slips away from you? Like for instance you are expecting to start a particular course, that you can only take night classes for, and you get a call that the class may not make for the coming semester, that someone will discuss your "options" with you.

Me? I'll admit that I let a nice little expletive slip.

An honest, human reaction, all things considered.
This course of classes I received the call about is a possibility that I have developed such attachment and anticipation for. A skill, a knowledge I would love to become fluent in. But the whole idea is not completely out of the picture. No need to throw the baby out with the bath water. I don't believe in giving up too easily. I've learned that sometimes life works in strange and mysterious ways.

But how many times has that happened? To anyone? A monkey wrench thrown into the gears of your preset plan of how things should play out. Jeez, sometimes it's enough to make the preacher want to cuss. However I've learned a few things that has changed my true reaction to such plot twists.

In the famous words of Mr. Bill Hicks, "It's just a ride."

So many times we get so hot and bothered over variables that may just have our best interests in mind, whether we see that or not. If there's anything to the Law of Attraction (and all those in the "know" will tell you there is), maybe you have better outcomes in store for yourself, so why fret it?

Just chill. Take a breath. Remember how cute you are when you let go and laugh so hard you can cry. Or how it felt when someone looked into your eyes and the unspoken connection made you feel so empowered and humbled, the way love feels. Or maybe just the last time you saw a beautiful sunset. In any case, you have a lot of good around you, if you just focus on that instead of what you don't like or care for.

It's that simple, really. If you wanna be happy, and stay that way, just find your moments of beauty, the blessings in disguise, the things that make you smile, and set your intention to focus on and see more of THAT.

To me, I believe one of the most holy things you can do is to let yourself be genuinely happy. So what if I have to wait to start the schooling for the course I want to take. I'm not gonna let it get me uptight. I still have a roof over my head, and food to nourish me. I have so much to be thankful for. So much to be happy about.

[In other news:]

Pope Francis just started a uproar in the religious community with his comment during a recent service declaring that hell was made up, and I have to agree with him. I've witnessed so many people put themselves through such hellish predicaments, when a few good choices could have changed it all for the better. And I only recognize the pattern because I was in their shoes once, myself. Sometimes things happen that can either scar us or shape us, depending on what perspective of it you take and give power to. It's the power of point of view that can make the difference for a person who has been through unthinkable struggles, which we all have had a taste of. It can mean the difference between a drug addict and a life coach. And if we can create such hell for ourselves, I truly believe we can create our own heaven too.

[So back on track:]

If you don't like something, change it. -And if you can't change it, make the most of it. -And if you can't make the most of it, at least give yourself a break and make peace with it. At the end of the day I only have control over how I react to everything else around me. So I'm gonna go with the flow and follow my number one rule for myself, which is, "just be cool, Joanna."

After all, "it's just a ride."

Watch the video of Bill Hicks explaining how "It's just a ride."

[Moral of the story:]

Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair. It's something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere.

Peace, love, and light to you all.


  1. Seems we both got that crazy monkey wrench thrown into our gears on the same day, huh? Well, I DID say I wanted to leave my rigid routines behind in 2013 and ride some waves, so here goes!!
