Media as medicine.

What do I do when I feel a crappy vibe creep up on me?

I work my way through it, and out of it, back to an awesome state of being.

There are many roads to take to do this, including certain videos and songs that help ease me back to a good place.

Here they be (and I will update this from time to time):

  • For accepting, being in the moment, and a good pep-talk, I recommend this video by the wonderful and fantastic Atlantis King: "Accept Accepting"
  • For dealing with loss, life changes, and living to your greatest potential, I like to listen to Dr. Wayne Dyer while I paint. [Please note that for some reason this video may start somewhere in the middle, and I can't seem to do anything about that. Just back-track and enjoy.] Wayne Dyer at the Wanderlust Festival
  • I'm fascinated by the Law of Attraction, and how it has worked in my life. I highly recommend the book The Law of Attraction: The Basic Teachings of Abraham by Esther and Jerry Hicks (available on iTunes). The messages have resonated with me, and helped me overcome a lot within myself to create a life that I want outside of myself.
  • If you've wondered why people of Earth know so much, but yet are not 'thriving', well, here's the trailer of a movie you should definitely watch (there will be a link to watch the actual movie online, and I originally watched it on Netflix):
    (Official Trailer) THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?
  • One of the best feel-good songs I know, and here's an awesome, one-of-a-kind performance of it! CRYSTAL FIGHTERS - "LOVE NATURAL" ((ACOUSTIC IN A CAVE))

[Oh, and if there was any doubt, I still think you're perfect. Because you're YOU. <3]

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