Thursday, January 9, 2014

It's about time. [Attention: Deep thoughts ahead]

The other day at work, which was the last day of my work week, I felt like the clock was just broke.  It was a slow day, and I felt like I was accomplishing nothing.  And now, my second day off and the last day of my "weekend", and I feel like time is just whizzing by!  -I mean, what the deuce, man?

Whew... -Dizzy, dizzy, dizzy.

Have you ever paid attention to time?

A glance at your watch, timing your workout, feeling like your time at your job could not go by any slower, or maybe even hitting the snooze button one too many times because the snooze time did not feel long enough.  -Have you ever just pondered about how this happens?  Why this is?

Well, I don't have all the answers of the physics or actualities of it all, but I have come up with a few points.

"Live in the moment."

The truth is that the past is only real in our minds, and the future is not real either.  If you miss the moment of now, you will miss out on influencing the past and the future.

Now, don't let this phase you.

In this moment, right now, as I type away on this keyboard, there are millions (yes, MILLIONS) of possibilities existing right now.  Now, that can be difficult to wrap your head around, and oh boy, falling down that rabbit hole could be quite a long fall.

You can totally let THAT phase you [Lol-jk]. 

BUT, I must say this is a guideline for taking it easy, and not getting worked up about anything.  Because you simply cannot change the past and the future is not here yet.  It is merely an everlasting moment of NOW.  -So one step at a time.  Easy does it!

"Time flies when you're having fun."

"Time Flies" by ErDavid

Sometimes this one can be frustrating.  It's like looking forward to a vacation, and then once you're finally there, it's time to go back home again.  -Total crap, huh?

Well, I don't know any real facts about this phenomenon, but I do have a theory:

Scientists and physicists have come a long way in how they view the world around us, and have concluded that everything in existence is made up of energy.  And the frequency at which this energy vibrates determines how it appears in the "reality" around us (i.e. Water vibrates at a higher frequency than the desk that I'm sitting at, therefore I interpret the desk as solid and the water as liquid).  Well, when you are feeling down and depressed, that is a heavy or dense vibration of your energy, as opposed to being happy, light and bouncy, which is a much higher vibration of your energy.

Now, go with me on this one, what if your mood actually affects your perception, if not the actuality of how time passes from your perspective?  So that when you are enjoying yourself and having fun, time really does go by faster, at least from your point of view.  And when you are not happy or feeling miserable because of a bad day at work, the clock cannot tick fast enough.  This is pretty deep thinking, but I feel like when coupled with Bio-centrism Theory and the teachings of the Law of Attraction, this really makes a lot of sense.

"Life is short."

This one may be the most difficult for most to stomach.  -Memento mori, and such.

Life passes by faster than we realize because it is part of the make-up of our existence in this dimension at this point in the universe.  When we are born, we are born a-new, and see death as the end, and thus fear it as such.  This is just an understanding that I have carried since I was child, and can't fully explain it to some.  Nor do I really feel the need to [cheesy grin here].

Even people I have met who wonder about who they could have been in a past life, fear death as the end of their existence, with of a cry of "is there something more??"

I feel that a lot of anxiety could be brought up with some readers on this train of thinking, and to those I point back to "live in the moment."  The end is not near.  Enjoy your life right NOW.

So, I digress to answer this with how I simply explain it to myself.  If this take in life went on forever, it would not mean as much to me as it does.  I savor it just the way it is.  I accept that I am mortal in this existence and revel in the beauty I find in the world to make this short life so meaningful, moment by moment.  Day by day.


When you think about it, man is the only one who tries to measure time.  The animals follow their patterns with the seasons, but overall, just live life moment to moment.  I mean, our pug has never asked to look at a watch but he always seems to be aware of when it is time to eat or when it's bedtime by observing the movements and patterns of us human-folk.  And let's face it, you have to give nature credit for living the simple life.

Moral of the story:  Take your time, and enjoy each moment.

So, from my perspective to yours,
with mucho love,
and delivered sincerely,

-Joanna [of this time]

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